COVID-19 Stress Management

Good mental health is a key component to managing the stress of the COVID-19 epidemic. It’s frankly okay if you are feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or scared. We all are. That is a very normal reaction to what is going on.

We will not be able to change these circumstances overnight, but we can learn skills that will serve us in this stressful time and the next. If you’ve listened to Episode 3 : COVID-19 & Good Mental Health (Especially if You Are Suicidal) of our podcast, you’ve heard us talk about a few strategies for getting through this hard time.


Acceptance is not about giving up or failing, but it does mean recognizing the reality of your situation. There are some things you cannot change, but you can learn to cope.


Mindfulness involves focusing your awareness in the present moment. This includes your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

-Relaxing the body

When we are under stress, our whole body tenses up. As we learn how to fully relax, we let go of muscular tension and psychological stress.

-Breathing for stress reduction

By learning how to slow down our breathing we can cope more effectively in stressful moments. Deep breathing creates a sense of calm and can even lower our blood pressure.

-Finding meaning through hardship

Logotherapy was developed by Viktor Frankel who survived the holocaust. He suffered greatly, but was able to look for value even in these hardships. If you’re interested in reading his prolific work, “Man’s Search for Meaning” click here. There’s also more info available at the Viktor Frankel Institute.

In closing…

Of course, we’re all feeling stressed right now, but there is value in developing new coping techniques. Learning how to manage our COVID-19 stress will enable us to cope with this difficult time more effectively. Simple stress management techniques can go a long way towards making the situation better.