Ep. 044: Avoid Harmful Therapy

Can therapy ever be harmful?  That’s the question that first sprang to my mind when talking with an acquaintance about her problematic experiences in counseling. Luckily, I knew a great therapist I could ask about this, my Dad, Dr. Buser.  In this episode, we explore the idea of a “good” therapist versus a “bad” therapist and ultimately discuss how to ensure that you are getting the right help you need.

Asking for help is hard. There is a tremendous stigma that surrounds speaking with a therapist. Sometimes working with a therapist who is a bad fit for you can even be harmful. It can inflict new psychological damage and be re-traumatizing. Some counselors may claim to be an expert at treating anyone and all things, but few are.  Additionally, clients have to trust their therapist enough to be honest. If your counselor is judgmental, unavailable, or a bad listener, perhaps it is time to work with someone else. For more on this check out our blog, “Signs of a Bad Therapist.”

In This Episode We'll Discuss

  • When therapy can be harmful
  • Signs that your therapist doesn’t get you
  • Signs of effective therapy
  • The value of well-trained couples counselors
  • “Bad” therapy when you’re suicidal 
  • How to find a good therapist

Resources for this Episode

A therapist’s view of what makes therapy not helpful



A client’s view of what makes therapy not helpful



Improving therapeutic outcome with feedback to therapists



The failure rate of psychotherapy



Potential negative effects of psychotherapy

